Expanding capabilities of Insurance Pricing teams

Streamline processes and utilise modern analytical tools and approaches with Pricing Frontier - the data science consultancy for the insurance industry

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How can modern practices help?


With increasing regulatory requirements, data analysis has added complexity and risk. Modern approaches focus on repeatable pipelines which are crucial for assured conclusions that are auditable.


Highly efficient data analysis teams can direct focus to specialised tasks rather than business-as-usual processes; maximising the skills that exist within the Pricing team.


Modern practices will expand capabilities of teams and allow them act quicker. As markets become more competitive, using outdated techniques is likely to result in decreased performance.


Our goal is to modernise the insurance pricing sector by introducing tools and approaches commonly used in the wider data science field.

Many pricing teams struggle with overly complex systems, that require significant resources to run and maintain. 

By building out repeatable analytical pipelines with a focus on automation, maintainability, and collaboration, processes become a lot more efficient, leading to significantly lower project completion times and higher quality analysis.

We are committed to driving the industry forward and ensuring that our clients stay ahead of the curve in the ever-evolving data landscape.

Our development framework

Step 1

Identifying solutions

Understand the teams main challenges and limitations and identify potential solutions.

Step 2

Proof of concept

Design a skeleton project that quickly determines the feasibility and can demonstrate value.

Step 3

Minimum viable solution

Develop the solution to the minimal requirements to add value. 

Step 4

Continuous Improvement

Build additional features and ensure the team has the necessary skills to maintain and continually improve the solution.

Our services and solutions


Automating manual processes and analysis, freeing up time and reducing the likelihood of errors. Data Pipelines, reporting, model training, and analysis are common areas we work on.

Architecture Design

We design pricing architectures that serve all pricing processes with a structure that is clear and maintainable. Reducing complexity and duplication.

Data Science

We offer a robust suite of data science and machine leaning solutions that help pricing teams uncover insights, improve model accuracy and ultimately set better prices for customers.

Pricing Development

As pricing specialists, we can help develop rating structures and algorithms, focusing on maintainability and implementation with the rest of the pricing architecture; making future rate changes easier.

Data Strategy

With experience building and leading data science teams, we help organisations develop their data competency across talent, operations, governance and infrastructure.


Sessions for upskilling pricing teams across many different topics in the data landscape, including programming, data engineering, machine learning, cloud platforms and data best practices.